You can now insert one business card after the other: as soon as a business
card is placed in the scanner, the scanning starts...
Here’s another tip: the “IRISCard Pro” scanner is equipped with two
. Press the large button to scan a business card! Cardiris starts running (if
necessary) and the scanned card is inserted in the current database...
When you’re using a
flatbed scanner
, you can scan several business cards
simultaneously on the scanner’s flatbed and have them segmented by the soft-
ware. The background must be black or white if Cardiris is to extract the various
business cards. (Luckily, there’s a very simple way of creating a black back-
ground: scan your cards with the lid open... Or scan them with the lid closed and
you’ll add a white background to your images!)
29/05/2007, 12:15