Warnings & Important Product
WARNING: Installation and Operation
This product must be installed and operated in accordance with
these instructions. Failure to do so may result in poor product
performance, damage to the product or vessel and or personal
injury. Installation should only be carried out be qualified per-
sonnel or by persons competent in electrical systems.
WARNING: Power Supply and Grounding
Ensure the boats power supply is switched off during installa-
tion. Ensure suitably rated circuit breakers / fuses are used in
the installation of the product in accordance with the electrical
values shown in the technical specifications of the product.
Never switch on power until the power connections are correctly
terminated in accordance with the information provided in this
document. Do not connect or disconnect the product with the
power supply switched on. Never disconnect the DC ground with
the power supply on.
WARNING: Wiring terminations
Where the products video, power and data terminations are
extended, ensure that suitable connectors are used and that the
point of termination for each cable is adequately protected
against moisture ingress. Ensure correct polarity is strictly ob-
served. Do not cut or remove cable connectors without prior
permission from Iris Innovations Limited.
WARNING: Do Not Open the Unit
There are no user serviceable parts within the product so there s
no need to open the device. The product has been certified to
IP66 standards, however, submersion or the product or expo-
sure to high pressure washing will invalidate the warranty.
WARNING: Disclaimer
This product is intended to be used only as an aid to navigation
and must never be used as an alternative to correct navigational
practices and judgements made on the basis of approved navi-
gation methods. It is the users responsibility to observe correct
and proper navigational skill when using this product. Only offi-
cially approved charts and notices to mariners contain the cur-
rent information required for safe navigation.
Operating the camera or viewing the video input whilst the ves-
sel is moving could cause a distraction and result in accidental
collision resulting in property damage, injury or death. Iris Inno-
vations cannot be held liable for any incidental, special, indirect
or consequential damages whether resulting from the use, mis-
use or inability to use this product.
CAUTION: Switch Camera Off When Not in Use.
To prolong the operation life of the the cameras sensor we
strongly advise that power to the camera is routed via a dedi-
cated switch.
CAUTION: Service and Maintenance
This product contains no user serviceable parts. Please refer all
maintenance and repair issues to your authorized Iris Innova-
tions dealer. Any unauthorized work to the product may affect
the warranty.
CAUTION: Care and Cleaning
This product is a sensitive piece of electronic, imaging equip-
ment and must be handled and treated accordingly. Do not drop
or shake the unit during installation. Avoid exposure of the im-
ager to direct sunlight where possible as this may degrade the
cameras performance over time.
When cleaning the device, ensure power is switched off. Clean
the camera housing with a soft cloth. Moisten the cloth and use
a mild detergent if required. The lens window has a protective
coating which may suffer damage as a result of improper clean-
ing. To clean the lens window use a soft cotton cloth. Moisten
with clean water if necessary. For further advise on cleaning the
lens window, contact Iris Innovations.
NFORMATION: Product Disposal and Recycling
Dispose of this product in accordance with the WEEE Directive.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Direc-
tive requires the recycling of waste electronic and electrical
equipment. Iris Innovations supports the WEEE policy and po-
litely request you observe correct disposal methods. For further
information on how to correctly dispose of this product please
contact Iris Innovations.
Please recycle unwanted packaging and documentation. The
cardboard carton, all paper manuals and documents and the
protective plastic bag in which the camera is shipped are widely
recyclable. Please check with your local recycling plant for con-
Iris Innovations
IRIS460 User Guide v2.01 May 2018