8 di 18
MV and RSV4: , take another coil harness. Unplug the connectors of the coils; locate pulse
wire (usually they are different colour for each coil), cut it. Connect the ECU side with the
green/red wire and the orange wire to the coil wire.
Seal off the not used wires.
Scheme for Ducati 999 and other CDI ignition
: the grey blue, and grey brown are the pulse
wires, one to each coil. Changes colour to red close to coil; cut the red pulse wire after
the black insulation is stripped about 40mm. Connect the red wire from the coil with the
PSC grey and the other side with PSC green/black.
Seal off the not used wires.
3.1.4. KTM SuperDuke and RC8
: Specific ECU programming could be necessary if not specified this
application at the order.
Use the proper harness (specify on order) OR refer to above 3.1.1, following Denso scheme
and connecting the PSC to only one cylinder.
3.1.5. Aprilia and twin spark engines
: Specific ECU programming could be necessary if not specified this
application at the order.
follow the same colour wires till they become one. Take the PSC connector with red,
green/black and grey wire. Cut harnesses. Connect the ECU side with the green/black
wire and the grey wire to the coil wire.
: Specific ECU programming could be necessary if not specified this
application at the order.
The PSC has only 2 exits for the power cut
On twin cylinders cut only one cylinder
On 3-4 cylinders cut, if possible, 2 of them.
In case of twin injectors, cut both injectors from same cylinder.
: connection of 2 injectors to the same PSC wire, could cause the
ECU warning light switching on.