7 di 18
Locate the coils and how many they are. Use the proper number of PSC connectors
following this order: green/black-grey, green/red-orange. Cut off the PSC plug & play
connectors. Unplug the connectors of the coils; locate pulse wires (usually they are
different colour for each coil), cut it. Connect the ECU side with the green/black wire and
the grey wire to the coil wire.
Connect the red wire to ignition switch cont12v, a tail light supply wire is preferred
since it is powered continuously.
On 3 and 4 cylinders engines take another coil harness. Unplug the connectors of the coils;
locate pulse wires (usually they are different colour for each coil), cut it. Connect the ECU
side with the green/red wire and the orange wire to the coil wire.
Seal off the not used wires.
: Specific ECU programming could be necessary if not specified this
application at the order.
: On twins use only the connector with green/black-grey wires.
Use the proper harness (specify on order).
Connect the red wire to ignition switch cont12v, a tail light supply wire is preferred
since it is powered continuously.
These bikes have 3 wires for each coils: +12v common colour for each coil, negative
common colour for each coil and pulse wire different colour for each coil.
Take the PSC connector with red, green/black and grey wire. Cut harnesses. locate pulse
wire (usually they are different colour for each coil), cut it. Connect the ECU side with the
green/black wire and the grey wire to the coil wire.
Connect the red wire to ignition switch cont12v, a tail light supply wire is preferred
since it is powered continuously.