v3.0 AB
What is I2C?
is a serial communication protocol typically used for short range high speed
connections between multiple devices. It stands for the Inter-Integrated Circuit (IIC, or "I-squared-
C") bus. Two wires are required for an I2C bus, SDA and SCL. Each device connects to the same
two lines. Because all the devices are connected to the same physical wires, each device on an
I2C bus must have an address. The address is used so that each device knows when a message is
being sent to that device. There can be multiple master and slave devices (nodes), each of which
has a unique address. The addresses can be written as integers (like the decimal number 16, or
hexadecimal numbers, like 0x10 where the "0x" prefix shows that it's a hexadecimal or base-16
number). Device addresses range from