Section III
Page 3.5
II S, 3.00
Transferred to Bypass – An indication that the critical load is being powered
directly from the UPS bypass power source. This situation is created when
maintenance personnel want to bypass the UPS through the static bypass
switch for routine maintenance or when an abnormal condition exists in the
inverter, such as failure or extended overload. When in this operational mode,
the critical load does not have UPS protection.
Transfer Not Available – An indication that transfer to the static bypass
switch is not possible. This may be caused by the UPS bypass input power
source being out of specification or a power outage.
Battery Not Available – The battery’s DC Disconnect (circuit breaker) is
open or a battery cabinet fuse is blown. The battery is not available to power
the inverter if needed.
Retransfer Inhibited – An indication that the inverter is out of specification
or has lost phase lock with the bypass power source. When active in
conjunction with the Transferred to Bypass indicator, power cannot be
retransferred from the static bypass switch back to the inverter.
Message Screens
Message screens display the status of the UPS. To scroll through these screens,
Following are the legends that appear in this
area while the UPS is running normally. To display
these in this order, start with the screen at right and
depress the
button to show each screen in turn.
If the UPS is operating on battery power,
this screen will appear instead. It can be monitored
to determine the battery run time remaining during
a power outage.
Active Alarm Condition
If any active UPS alarm conditions exist, the
condition(s) will be shown on this screen. When
NONE is indicated, no alarm conditions are active.
With activation of alarm condition(s), one or more
of the following abbreviations will be displayed:
Operating Normally
Time Left XXX Min