Status display:
During normal operation, the yellow LED lights up when the switching output is active.
During the teach-mode the LED flashes with different frequencies and thus displays the respective mode.
Factory settings:
After the initial startup, the sensor has the following default settings:
switching distance: approx. 65mm sensing
Description of the teach modes:
To start the teach process, connect the white wire (PIN 2) with the operating voltage.
If this connection exists between 3 and 6 seconds, the yellow LED will flash with a frequency of 5Hz.
After releasing the connection, the teach mode „sensing function“ is active.
If this conection exists between 6 and 10 seconds, the yellow LED will flash with a frequency of 2.5Hz.
After releasing the connection, the teach mode „window function“ is active.
If the connection exists more than 10 seconds, the device will be reset to the factory settings. The yellow
LED flashes with a frequency of 0.5Hz.
Teach process for sensing function
1. Connect for a period of time between 3 and 6 seconds the white wire (PIN 2) with the
operating voltage. The LED flashes with approx. 5Hz.
2. Release the connection. The yellow LED now flashes with a frequency of 0.3Hz.
3. Place the object to be detected at the desired distance in front of the sensor.
4. Connect the white wire (Pin 2) for at least 1 second with the operating voltage. If the LED lights up
at that time, the switching output functions as normally open contact (output is active when
object is detected). If the LED is off at that time, the switching output functions as normally
closed contact (output is active, when object is not detected).
5. If the yellow LED flashes with a frequency of 2.5Hz, the teach process was successfull. You can
release the connection now. The taught value is stored and is also available after switching the
sensor off and on again.
6. If the LED flashes with a frequency of 6Hz, the teach process has failed. The object could not be
detected, beacuse it was e.g. placed beyond the detection range. In this case, the teach process
has to be repeated.
MANUAL • Subject to alteration! Version:
August 2019
ipf electronic gmbh • Rosmarter Allee 14 • 58762 Altena
Tel +49 2351 9365-0 • Fax +49 2351 9365-19
[email protected] •