IP-Link Installation Guide
Operator Interface
Close this form and cycle power to the IP-Link. Click on Quick
Confi gure again (a restart of the program may be necessary) and
verify that the parameters entered are still correct. The saved
parameters will appear in the form boxes. (See Figure 4).
The Quick Confi gure Screen
enables you to enter all
parameters needed to connect to the Internet/Intranet through a
10BaseT Ethernet LAN. From the
Main Menu
, click on Quick
Confi gure to enter the IP-Link Setup (see Figure 2). At this
point, the iChip LAN
Quick Confi guration Screen
will appear
(see Figure 3). At this time, verify the Firmware version is dated
24.5.2004 or later as shown and that the Boot Block is 0706. If this
is not the case, the fi rmware should be updated to ensure proper
operation. If the Firmware version and Boot Block are current,
enter the IP Address and Subnet Mask. Leave the Use DHCP and
Use IP Finder boxes clear and the rest of the form blank. The
IP-Link doesn’t require any other parameters to be fi lled in on
the screen and may not function correctly if additional informa-
tion is entered. The factory default IP address will cause
the IP-Link to get a valid IP address from any existing Dynamic
Host Confi guration Protocol (DHCP) server on your network.
DHCP is not recommended unless a static reservation can be
made for the IP-Link’s MAC Address. When fi nished entering
parameters, click on the Save button, and the address and subnet
will be stored in fl ash memory.
Figure 3: Quick Confi gure Screen
Figure 4: Saved Confi guration Screen
These parameters only serve as an example of what the
confi guration could look like. Your IP addresses could be
different. Consult with your IT Department or Internet
service provider for your particular IP address settings.