4.7.9 Serial Poll Disable (SPD)
The SPD command disables all devices from sending their Serial Poll status byte.
4.7.10 Serial Poll Enable (SPE)
A device which is Addressed to Talk will output its Serial Poll status byte after SPE
is sent and ATN is unasserted. ($18)
4.7.11 Group Execute Trigger (GET)
This command usually signals a group of devices to begin executing a triggered
action. This allows actions of different devices to begin simultaneously. ($08)
4.7.12 Take Control (TCT)
This command passes bus control responsibilities from the current Controller to
another device which has the ability to control. ($09)
4.7.13 Secondary Command Group (SCG)
These are any one of the 32 possible commands (0 to 31) in this group. They must
immediately follow a talk or listen address. ($60 to $7F)
4.7.14 Parallel Poll Configure (PPC)
This configures devices capable of performing a Parallel Poll as to which data bit
they are to assert in response to a Parallel Poll. ($05)
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