Driver Upgrade
It is recommended that all users use the same driver revision.
Before upgrading the driver, please follow these guidelines:
If possible, first backup all your data.
Disable all NDAS devices.
Uninstall the present driver.
Install the new driver.
Register the NDAS devices again.
Mount the NDAS devices.
You should now be able to use the NDAS devices again.
PC Command Line Utility
For advanced users on a PC, there is an option to run the
NDAS software from a command line interface.
Open the command line and type following:
cd C:\Program Files\NDAS\System
(Folder may vary depending on driver being used)
Type ndascmd.exe, which will load the command line
interface for the NDAS software
The Syntax for the interface should be as follows:
ndascmd <command> [parameters]
The supported commands are following:
register <name> <device id without dash> [write key]
unregister <device number>
list devices
list logicaldevices
mount <logical device number> [ro|rw]
unplug <logical device number>
unmount <logical device number>
activate <device number>
deactivate <device number>
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