former from the 110vAC outlet and the transmitter,
and if the system has a backup battery, the battery is
also disconnected from the transmitter.
The ICT 775 transmitter has an internal battery
backup circuit that will automatically charge an exter-
nal 12vDC battery. With a charged 12v battery the
ICT 775 will continue to power the signal field wire if
there is a 110vAC electric power failure.
The ICT 775 has built-in, non-replaceable, loop
side lightning surge protection.
R e m oving the ICT 775 Cover
To take the cover off the transmitter, hold the base
of the transmitter in one hand and, using the thumb
and index finger of your other hand, gently compress
the top and bottom of the cover plate and remove it.
To put the cover back on, align the two tabs on the
top of the cover plate with the two slots, on the top of
the base, and slide the tabs into the slots. Lock the
cover in place by sliding the bottom tab of the cover
plate into the bottom slot in the base.
The Signal Fi e l d
I nv i s i ble Fe n c e
t ra n s m i t t e rs produce a coded, low
power radio signal which travels from the transmitter,
along the signal field wire and back to the transmitter
to produce a Invisible Barrier
wall. This signal is what
activates your pet’s Computer Collar
There is no hazard in touching or exposing the
wire because the wire carries only harmless low volt-
age electricity.
The ICT 775 system functions only when the sig-
nal field wire forms one continuous circuit. The signal
field is created where two sides of the wire are sepa-
rated and is cancelled where two sides are kept close
together or are twisted together. If there is a break in
the signal field wire, the signal field will be lost and
the system will cease to function.
ICT 775 Transmitter Installation
ICT 775 system with a backup battery and an Invisible Sentry
system monitoring the signal field wire.