Gear Selection
Each power unit (left and right) incorporates a neutral and in gear position.
By turning both the levers on the Gear Boxes to the rearward position, it will disengage the
motor and gear box, this will place the power chair in a free wheeling mode.
Turn both the levers to the side, this will place both the motors into gear, and the chair is
now ready for driving.
CARE must be used AT ALL TIMES when the drive wheels are disengaged from the motors
and the manual parking brakes are NOT applied. Attendants pushing the wheelchair may
NOT be able to control the wheelchair on a steep sloping surface.
Gear Lever in Drive mode.
The PT2000 is fitted with three braking systems:
1. Dynamic braking for slowing and stopping the wheelchair. This is automatic and
controlled by the movement of the joystick.
2. Solenoid controlled braking which, is an electric parking brake and is also automatic,
operating when the joystick is returned to neutral. You may hear a click when the
brakes engage/disengage.
3. Manual parking brakes for use when the drive wheels are disengaged from the motors.
4. Safety tip, if driving and you get into difficulty, just release the joystick and the brakes
will automatically come on, do not try to stop using any parts of your body.
Manual Brake in off position.