Invacare® Pronto® Air Personal Transporter with MyBody Seating
Risk of breaking down in adverse weather
conditions, i.e. extreme cold, in an isolated area
If you are a user with severely limited mobility, we
advise that in the case of adverse weather conditions
DO NOT attempt a journey without an accompanying
Risk of injury if your foot slides off the footrest
and gets caught underneath the mobility device
when it is in motion
Make sure each time before you drive the mobility
device that your feet are squarely and securely in
place on the footplates, and that both legrests are
properly locked into place.
Risk of serious injury or damage
Operating the mobility device with a ground clearance of
less than 76 mm between the footplate and ground/floor
may cause serious injury or property damage.
ALWAYS maintain a minimum of 76 mm between the
bottom of the footplate and ground/floor to ensure
proper ground clearance while the mobility device is
in motion. If necessary, adjust the footplate height to
achieve proper ground clearance.
After footplate height adjustment, if the mobility
device dips forward and the footplates touch the
ground while in motion, please contact your dealer
for an inspection and avoid use of the mobility device
if possible.
Risk of injury if you collide with an obstacle
when driving through narrow passages such as
doorways and entrances
Drive through narrow passages in the lowest driving
mode and with due caution.
Risk of injury
If your mobility device has been fitted with elevating
legrests, there is a risk of personal injury and damage to
the mobility device if you drive the mobility device with
the legrests raised.
To avoid unwanted displacement of the mobility
device center of gravity to the front (especially when
travelling downhill) and in order to avoid damage to
the mobility device, elevating legrests must always be
lowered during normal travelling.
Risk of tipping
Antitippers (stabilizers) are only effective on firm ground.
They sink in on soft ground such as grass, snow or mud if
the mobility device rests itself on them. They lose their
effect and the mobility device can tip over.
Only drive with extreme care on soft ground,
especially during uphill and downhill journeys. In the
process pay increased attention to the tip stability of
the mobility device.