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Cautionary Notes
side only, there are oil holes drilled into
the grooves. The side of the piston that
has oil holes goes to the thrust side of the
crosshead guide i.e. Thrust side on the
high pressure throw is at the top and thrust
side on the low pressure throw is at the
6. Fit Gudgeon end plates (RO-2535) and
retain with bolt (BNF-0644) and lock nut
Locknut torque = 30 ft-lb
7. Fit big end bearing shells to con-rod and
8. Slide con-rod / cross-head piston
assembly into cross-head cylinder.
Ensure that con-rod serial # faces the top.
Ensure that cross-head piston lubrication
holes face the top for high pressure throw
and face downwards for low pressure
9. Check bearing shell to crankshaft
clearance by placing Plastigauge strip
between end-cap bearing shell and
crankshaft journal then tightening end-cap
bolts to correct torque.
Do not rotate crankshaft with plastic
gauge fitted or faulty readings will result.
10. After checking clearance, lubricate
bearing shells and crankshaft bearing
journal. Then re-fit bearing cap and
tighten retaining bolts to correct torque.
See Torque Setting Chart (section 3.4.4)
11. Check for freedom of rotation
12. If Cross-head piston is new, check cross-
head piston to cross-head cylinder
clearances. Check using feeler gauges at
points indicated in sketch.
Intermech Ltd. BBR-6015-2 Compressor Service Manual