ESim v5.12 for EasyCoder PD4—Programmer’s Reference Manual
Chapter 5—Editing in Form Edit Mode
Place a Combination of Fixed Data and a Counter
The next command line is a text line containing fixed data and the coun-
ter (C0). The first time this label form is retrieved for printing, the start
value for this counter must be sent to the printer. The printer will store
the value of the counter for this form and automatically continue to print
the next value the next time this form is retrieved. Reset or set to another
value by sending a new start value.
The value of the counter will be kept in the memory even
if another form is retrieved or the printer is switched off.
A24,312,0,4,1,1,N,"SERIAL#: "C 0
Text line, fixed data + 1:st counter
Place a Bar Code with Fixed Data and a Counter
Below a Bar Code Command line is used to enter a Code 128 bar code,
containing the fixed data "S" in combination with the actual counter
value. It is also set for printing the human readable text below the bar
The narrow to wide ratio is not relevant for Code 128.
The printer will use the value for the narrow bar to define the
bar code. (Value 3 for wide bar definition is ignored.)
B280,440,0,1,2,3,96,B,"S"C 0
Bar code, fixed data + 1:st counter
Place Graphics
The next line writes a graphic named "Intermec" from memory and posi-
tions it on the form.
Write graphic from graphics memory
End Programming of this Form
The closing command that flags the end of form, see the full program list-
ing later in this chapter.
Closing command to store form