The MicroTech is not turning on
If you are trying to use the MicroTech with batteries, make sure that the bat-
teries are inserted in the correct direction and that the batteries are not dead.
If the combined battery voltage drops below 0.7 volts, the MicroTech will
not turn on.
If you are trying to use the MicroTech with the AC adaptor, make sure that
the adaptor is getting power (perhaps the outlet is switched off). Also make
sure that the adaptor you are using is the one that was supplied for use
with the MicroTech.
If the MicroTech still does not turn on, contact technical support for addi-
tional help.
The MicroTech returns to the function menu while using a function
The MicroTech’s batteries are becoming too weak. Replace the batteries and
try again.
The MicroTech is operating but not receiving data
Make sure that the DMX source is actually working by attaching a working
piece of equipment to the source. It is possible that the MicroTech is func-
tioning properly and telling you that the DMX source is broken.
If the source is transmitting data, it is possible that the DMX transceiver in
the MicroTech has been damaged by connecting the MicroTech to a very
strong signal that is not DMX. If this happens, typically the MicroTech will
not be able to transmit data either (try the channel test or scene output
modes). Contact technical support for additional information.
The channel finder function is not displaying a channel when the
console channel is operated
There are several possibilities that cause the channel finder function to not
display a channel. The channel finder only displays a channel number
when the channel rises above or falls below 50%. Make sure that you are
causing the channel to track across the 50% mark. It is possible that the con-
sole’s patch is set to restrict the output of the channel in question to lower
than 50%, which would cause the MicroTech not to display the channel
It is also possible that the console channel that you are operating is not
patched to any dimmer. This means that there really isn’t any output to be
detected when the console channel is manipulated.
It is also possible that the console is not transmitting enough dimmers to
include the channel that is being operated. Use the data length function to
determine how many dimmers are being transmitted by the console.
The channel test function is not operating any equipment
Make sure that there isn’t any other signal applied to the DMX data link.
Sometimes consoles that are connected to the data link can appear not to be
transmitting any data but actually are asserting a signal to the data link that
cannot be overridden by the MicroTech. Try disconnecting any other con-
sole from the data link completely.
The scene output function is not operating any equipment
Make sure that the selected scene number has a snapshot recorded into it. If
the scene has data recorded into it, the Status LED will flicker each time the
scene is sent through the DMX output connector.
Also make sure that there isn’t any other signal applied to the DMX data
link. Sometimes consoles that are connected to the data link can appear not
to be transmitting any data but are actually asserting a signal to the data
link that cannot be overridden by the MicroTech. Try disconnecting any
other console from the data link completely.
MicroTech DMX User’s Manual
MicroTech DMX User’s Manual