6.0 Frequently Asked Questions
1) Where does the key go?
You remove the decorative cover from the keyway using the black
Magnetic Key Cover tool that came with the lock.
2) Can I get more keys made for my lock?
This lock comes with 4 high security “Laser Cut Dimple” keys, which are
“Bump proof”. Due to this security feature it is impossible to get or make
more keys. The key cylinder cannot be replaced.
3) How do I change the batteries?
On the back lock body (the side of the lock without the scanner) ) find
the base of the handle, there is a ring around it. Twist off the ring nut by
hand or use “Y” wrench that came with the lock (depicted on page 11,
figure 1 of the manual), then take off cover to replace the batteries.
4) What kind of batteries should I use?
Any 4 AA batteries will work. We suggest for 1st time users get brand
name new batteries like Energizer or Duracell.
5) How often should I change the batteries?
If in a conventional home setting you will be able to get several
thousand uses out of a set of batteries. Though not required we do
recommend you change batteries at the same time you change them in
your smoke detectors or when you change your clocks. It's best to keep
the batteries as fresh as possible.
6) If I take the batteries out, will I lose the information in the lock?
No! The 1Touch evo3 stores the information even with no batteries!
7) How do I know if the batteries are getting low?
When you slide the scanner cover up it will make a series of very quick
beeps. That is the low power warning. It sounds much different than the
chime you get normally.
8) Can the lock be set to allow access when just turning the handle?
No. The 1Touch evo3 can be set to passage mode that will allow
access when lifting the slide cover or pressing ‘#’.
evo3 Series Fingerprint Lock
http://www.1touchlock.com | Intelligent Biometric Controls, Inc. | v1.1