Using AptusNX
With embedded AptusNX software, the antenna can be monitored, controlled, and diagnosed remotely from
anywhere, anytime through TCP/IP protocol. This not only can save time but also save the cost generated from
the hundreds of routine maintenance activities such as operating firmware upgrades, tracking parameters resets,
and system Diagnosis.
How to access AptusNX for ACU
1. Connect an Ethernet cable from the Management LAN port on the front of the ACU to the LAN port of PC.
This method is most recommended.
2. Enter the ACU's IP address (
) into your web browser's address bar to login into the ACU's
internal HTML page, if this system has not been changed from the ACU's factory default.
AptusNX can be displayed on Internet Explorer 11 or later (Windows 7 or later), and is also compatible
with Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Chrome web browsers.
Using AptusNX