Note: By default the runtime operating system is built with the latest version of
the Wind River Host Tools that you installed on your Host System. To use an
earlier version, specify the desired "RCPL" version like this:
is the 4-digit RCPL version number.
Note: In the option for
use the number of
process threads available in the CPU of your Host System. For example,
when using a CPU with two cores and hyperthreading, four process threads
are available, so specify "4" for optimal performance.
../WindRiver/wrlinux-5/wrlinux/configure \
--enable-board=intel-quark \
--enable-kernel=standard \
--enable-rootfs=glibc-idp \
--enable-addons=wr-idp \
--enable-bootimage=ext3,hdd \
--enable-jobs=6 \
--enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=4 \
--enable-patchresolve=noop \
--enable-rm-work=yes \
--enable-checkout-all-layers=yes \
wr-wks-oneagent-tr069,wr-ieee11073,wr-intel-support \
command will take several minutes to complete. You will see
progress hash-marks at the bottom of the screen through most of the process.
Upon completion, your terminal prompt will return.
3. Build the runtime operating system using the command below. This builds the
Linux runtime system and generates the runtime components that can be installed
on your Target Device.
make fs
Note: This command will take 3 - 5 hours to complete. The completion time is
highly dependent on the processing speed of your Host System.
At the end of the make process the Target Device runtime operating system is
compressed into a single file that is a USB flash drive image. The flash drive image
is created in the directory
. The file has a
Build Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime Software—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit
DK100 Series
IoT Gateway Development Kit DK100 Series
April 2015
Getting Started Guide
Order No.: 330307-007