Intel 815 Micro- ATX Mainboard
How to Update the System BIOS
Before we start to discuss system BIOS update, there are some important issues
which you need to pay attention on it:
You can not exchange the system BIOS with another mainboard:
The system BIOS on different mainboard are different. If you take the system
BIOS from another mainboard and have it installed on this mainboard, you may
find that the mainboard fail to boot. Even the mainboard from the same
manufacturer, the content of the system BIOS can be different. So please do not
exchange the system BIOS.
Where to get the updated BIOS?
You can visit the web page of the supplier and down load the updated system
BIOS. Please note that you will “kill” the PC system if you have the wrong
BIOS written into the PC system. So please be sure to double check the
system BIOS before you can use it to update the system BIOS.
No interruption is allowed during the BIOS updating:
When the BIOS updating, please do not restart the PC system or turn the
power off. Otherwise, you will have a fragmentary system BIOS in your PC
system and it will make you unable to start the PC system. If you reset or
power off the PC system while the system BIOS is updating, you may have to
send the PC system to the suppler for troubleshooting because you do not have
the system BIOS in the PC system.
Do not change the onboard flash ROM:
The flash ROM is the storage device which is designed on the mainboard to
store the system BIOS. There are different kinds of the flash ROM selling in
the market. They have different capacity and different architecture. If you
install improper flash ROM onto the mainboard, it may cause unexpected
damage to the mainboard. So please never change the flash ROM on the
mainboard, otherwise, the warranty will be void.