Intel 815 Micro-ATX Mainboard
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB :
( default setting: Non-OS/2 )
When you are using the “OS/2™” operating system and the system memory is
more than 64MB, you will have to select the setting to “OS2”, otherwise, leave this
on the default setting “Non-OS2” for all other operating systems.
HDD S.M.A.R.T Capability :
( default setting: Disabled )
There is the HDD which support the S.M.A.R.T. technology (Self Monitoring
Analysis Reporting Technology). If your HDD support the SMART feature, you
may enable this item and it will monitor and report the HDD healthy status to you.
(Note: not all HDD support the S.M.A.R.T. function, please make sure that your
HDD supports such function so that you can enable it. )
Report NO FDD for WIN 95 :
( default setting: NO )
If there is no FDD installed in the PC system, you may select "YES" in this field so
that WIN 95 will "KNOW" there is no FDD connected to the mainboard.