The Proper Installation & Maintenance of TW-DA.
All power and signals must be de-energised before connecting any wiring, or altering any Jumpers or Dip Switches.
Mount in a clean environment in an electrical cabinet on DIN or EN rail.
Do not subject to vibration or excess temperature or humidity variations.
Avoid mounting in cabinets with power control equipment.
To maintain compliance with the EMC Directives, the TW-DA must be mounted in a fully enclosed, metal, electrical
cabinet. The cabinet must be properly earthed, with appropriate input / output entry points, cabling and filtering.
All cables should be good quality overall screened INSTRUMENTATION CABLE with the screen earthed at one
end only.
Signal cables should be laid a minimum distance of 300mm from any power cables.
For 2 wire current loops and 2 wire voltage signals or 2 wire current signals, Austral Standard Cables B5102ES
is recommended. For 3 wire transmitters Austral Standard Cables B5103ES is recommended.
It is recommended that you do not ground current loops and use power supplies with ungrounded outputs.
Lightning arrestors should be used when there is a danger from this source.
Refer to diagrams for connection information.
Once all the above conditions have been carried out and the wiring checked apply power to the TW-DA
loop and allow five minutes for it to stabilize.
Take a low (approx. 10%) and high (approx. 90%) reading of the variable being measured by the transducer
supplying the signal to the TW-DA, and ensure that this agrees with the level being indicated by the PLC or
indicator, etc., that the TW-DA is connected to. Adjust for any difference using the Zero & Span Pots in the top
of the TW-DA enclosure with a small screwdriver, until the two levels agree. (Clockwise to increase the output
reading and anticlockwise to decrease the output reading.)
Repeat (2) of Commissioning.
Do it regularly - at least once every 12 months.
TW-DA 010212.p65
ww w . i n t e c h . c o . n z
Christchurch Ph: +64 3 343 0646
Auckland Ph: 09 827 1930