HWHC2100 v2.53 Operation Manual
21 Harbor Park Dr. N, Port Washington, NY 11050 Phone: 516.626.72211 Fax: 516.626.7201
Point the Valve shell be close.
Range: 40
F to 220
F with 1
F steps. Default value is 70°F
System Water Temperature Cut Off Set Point. If System Water Temperature above the Cut Off Set
Point the Valve shell be close.
Range: 40
F to 220
F with 1
F steps. Default value is 90°F
Maximum allowed water temperature. If calculated Target temperature exceeds
the controller in
mode will maintain the water temperature at
Range: 170°F to 250°F with 1° step. Default value is 250°F.
Defines minimum water temperature in the system. Used only in the AUTO mode of operation.
The controller calculates the Target water temperature based on the outdoor temperature, heat gain,
and the compensator value and controls burner or valve to hold either the calculated temperature,
or the MinWater Temperature, whichever is higher.
Range: 70°F to 170°F with 1° step. Default value is 140°F.
Sets the time to run the System Pump for a longer period of time after the boiler has been turned
off or the valve has been closed. This feature allows for dissipating the excess heat from the boiler
combustion chamber and prevent the boiler from overheating.
Range: 0 to 99 minutes with 1-minute step. Default value is 2m.
HeatUp Time
The heat-up time is designated to return the building temperature to its Day heat level after Night
heat level.
Range: 0 to 99 minutes with 1-minute step. Default value is 30minutes.
Motor Pause
In AUTO and SET mode of operation specify the appropriate time (in seconds) between the Valve
(Motor) motion. Normally, this parameter is set at the system installation time.
Range: 0 to 127 seconds with 1 second step. Default value 30sec.
VlvCtrl Type
Defines Type of Control Interface to the motorized Valve.
There are three possible Type of Control Interface to the motorized Valve
implemented on the controller:
Current Loop (4ma-20ma);
Default Interface = Relay
Motor Type
There are 8 types of motors (dependent on the time duration of valve close position to the open
position) from 2minutes to 9 minutes with increment of one minute.
Type 2m – for time duration
of 2 minutes; Type 3m – for time duration of 3 minutes, and so on
Default value is 3m.
Current Year, Month, Day, and Time can be entered and adjusted. The "am/pm" displayed with
capital letters when Daylight Saving Time is in effect.
Each HWHC2100 connected to the local server via the RS485 bus. To establish proper connection
the controller should have a unique communication address (ID).
Range: 1 to 99.
8. System Status Information
All operational parameters and useful information can be seen on the low line of the LCD display by using Up/Down
and Enter keys (see Fig.2 left corner). The following information can be selected for displaying on the lower line of the
Valve Position and
System Temperature
(or Return Temperature)
VLV =16%
ST = 152°
VLV =24%
RT = 175°
Current valve position as percent of the Open status and
Hot water heating system temperature at the RTD sensor
(="fail" if temperature sensor malfunction).
Return Temperature
(or System Temperature)
Ret Temp = 60.4°
Sys Temp = 123.5°
Condensate return temperature at the RTD sensor.
If sensor not installed or not use: (“RtnTempSr-NotUse”),
If the sensor malfunction: (="fail")