INSYS GSM 4.3 easy
Functional Description
For analogue values, an upper and a lower limit must be defined. The following events
(adjustable) can cause the sending of a fault message:
The value leaves the target range (lower limit ... upper limit)
The value enters the target range (lower limit ... upper limit)
Any change in ranges
In addition, the option “no monitoring” may be set for each monitored object instance.
This means that an already configured object instance can be excluded from the moni-
toring process without losing the object instance setting.
The fault message for each monitored object instance is a freely configurable text. For
each monitored object instance, an individual phone number can be set as recipient of
the fault message.
As for each automatic SMS dispatch with the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy, the dispatch can be set
for resending in case of errors (default: 3 attempts).
We recommend pressing the reset button briefly after changing a configuration to exe-
cute a restart of the device.
Note: Using the alarm inputs
The usage of the 20 alarm inputs is independent from the functionality of the INSYS GSM
4.3 easy.
Behaviour after reset or power up
After a reset or a power up of the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy, values of object in-
stances, which are not within the configured target state, will not trigger a
fault message. The condition of the easy device will be accepted without
being rated. Only if the values are still outside of the target range after the
second monitoring cycle will an alarm message be sent.
The shortest polling cycle is 1 second, i.e. signals shorter than 1 second will
generally not be recognized.
The object instances are
automatically queried if the INSYS GSM 4.3
easy is busy with the following actions:
Field strength query and login state query, duration approx. 5 s, interval 60 s,
may be switched off.
SMS input buffer and processing of SMS, duration approx. 5 s, interval 60 s, may
be switched off.
Established GSM connection (data connection, DTMF connection, security call-
SMS dispatch (fault message, alive SMS can be switched off, power-up SMS can
be switched off, duration approx. 10 s)
For the values to be monitored applies that all changes must be effective until the auto-
matic polling is performed again. This applies to most applications (e.g. fill level monitor-
ing or protective motor switch).
Monitoring with INSYS GSM 4.3 easy is mainly intended for static signals and values.