Chapter: Operation
Extensometers may be calibrated either
manually or electrically, dependant on the
signal conditioning used. Most testing
machines have an electrical calibration
facility which should be used. It is advisable
to periodically check this calibration
Electrical Calibration
1. The Extensometer is equipped with a
memory device that will identify itself
uniquely to an Instron controller, so that
basic calibration data does not need re-
inputting every time the gauge is moved.
2. Connect the plug into the 25-way
transducer socket on the load frame.
Make sure that the locking clips or
screws are securely latched to prevent
accidental disconnection.
3. Mount the Extensometer on the
specimen at gauge length.
4. Support the cable using the magnet
housing assembly and attach it to the
testing machine.
5. In the case of recently manufactured
controllers from the Instron range,
calibration should be carried out using