The available camera actions are:
No change (continue current action)
Take photos (time)
Take photos (distance)
Stop taking photos
Start recording video
Stop recording video
Vehicle Info: The appropriate mission commands for the vehicle depend on the
firmware and vehicle type.
If you are planning a mission while you are connected to a vehicle the firmware
and vehicle type will be determined from the vehicle. This section allows you to
specify the vehicle firmware/type when not connected to the IF1200.
The additional value that can be specified when planning a mission is the vehicle
flight speed. By specifying this value, total mission or survey times will be
approximated even when not connected to the IF1200.
2.13. Motor Navigation Lights
The navigation lights on the aircraft motors are illuminated in a fixed pattern
(they should not change). To check the status of the vehicle, look instead at the
LED located on the GPS. Vehicle status lights are explained in Section 2.9.
On the motors themselves, the front left motor will be illuminated red (port), and
the front right motor’s LED will be green (starboard). The two rear motors will
flash white.