With both front fixed glasses firmly in place now it is time to take
both doors. Check you have them round the correct way. Hold
both together and make sure magnets attract not repel. Fix the
wheels and door handles accordingly. Note picture. The door
wheels fix as shown with button type at the bottom and the button
fixes on the outside. When complete lift each door carefully into
top runner and then at the bottom, press buttons to allow bottom
runner correct location. Two person operation for ease. On the
trailing edge of each door fit the long plastic seal (if supplied) with
the seal flap fitting between the door and the inner side of fixed
glass panel
For the latest fitting instructions please visit
With both doors in place check for smooth running operation and
closure firmly magnet to magnet.
Fit door stops to upper and lower curves if not already fitted by
makers and attached the door handles.
Your cabin is now complete in assembly!!
For the latest fitting instructions please visit
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