Setting The Peak Detect Threshold
The user may set the peak detect threshold anywhere from 0-99 degrees by pushing the lower button twice and then turn-
ing the knob to set the desired number. When complete a short push of the bottom button will clear the threshold setting
The basic G3-4 cruise-leaning procedure is as follows:
Establish cruise altitude and cruise power. Make initial trim adjustments, etc. as needed to establish cruise.
Perform a coarse leaning or preliminary leaning of the engine until the fuel flow is a couple of Gal/hr more than the normal
cruise indication. Pause for two minutes to allow the engine to stabilize and cylinder head temperature to return to normal.
It is advisable to allow up to five minutes for the turbocharger (if so equipped) to stabilize in output before attempting final
leaning. During this time you can make final trim adjustments to the airplane, reset cowl flaps, etc.
Press and hold bottom button to reset lean mode.
Now slowly lean the mixture until one of the EGT lean boxes appears at the top of the EGT bars.
This final leaning should take about five seconds. The first lean box to appear on top of the EGT bars column of bars identi-
fies the leanest cylinder (the first to reach peak EGT). Continue leaning until the lean boxes appear on all cylinders.
To operate rich of peak, move the mixture control in the rich direction until the boxes show solid cyan with an ‘R’ number
inside in black. To operate lean of peak, move the mixture control in the lean direction until the boxes show solid white with
an ‘L’ number inside in black.
Note: Engine manufacturers differ in their approval of operation at peak. Lycoming recommends operation at peak for power
settings of 75% and less while Continental recommends operation at peak for power settings of 65% and less.
Do not lean to peak EGT power settings greater than those recommended by the manufacturer.
This procedure may not be applicable to all engines. In some aircraft the mixture may be dictated by other parameters.
Restarting The Leaning Process
Restart the leaning process and resetting the peak indications on G1 by short push of bottom button.
Restart the leaning process and resetting the peak indications on G2/3/4 single/twin R/L engine page
by a short push of the SEL button.
Holding the SEL knob for about 3 seconds on G4 twin R/L screen will take you back to twin-engine screen.
To reset lean function push bottom knob