InPower LLC
8311 Green Meadows Drive
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
© Copyright 2014 InPower LLC
ITM150 Owners Manual
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Document: OM-175
Version Code: B
Date: Feb. 28, 2014
Date: May 27, 2014
InPower Model ITM150
1. Introduction
This product is intended for installation in RAM ProMaster vans with gas engines and FMVSS compliant, public-
use platform lifts manufactured by The Braun Corporation, Ricon Corporation or Maxon Mobility. If another type
of lift is to be used, contact the lift manufacturer to determine compatibility.
This interlock system is designed to meet the requirements of FMVSS 403/404 and therefore must be installed in
accordance with the lift manufacturer’s instructions. The installer must be trained and skilled in installing FMVSS
compliant lift systems. The installation must also comply with SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) and RAM
electrical wiring procedures.
2. Product Description
The ITM150 interlock system consists of the following components:
ITM150 Control Module
7201. 046 Chassis Wiring Harness
Mounting Screws for shiftlock sensor
Note: Do not substitute alternate screws for securing the shiftlock sensor. The supplied screws are of a correct
length to ensure they do not harm any internal circuits.
The interlock system layout is shown on Page 3.
The Chassis Wiring Harness uses a 12-pin connector (P1) to plug into the interlock control module. This harness
contains two blunt cut 18 inch wires, two “plug and play” T-cables that connect to the shiftlock solenoid and shifter
connector, one T-cable that connects to the parking brake terminal and one shiftlock sensor to be mounded
adjascent to the shifter.
The control module has one connector that connects to the wiring harness. It also has five status LEDs (Power,
Lift Enabled, Park Brake Set, Park and Door Ajar) to aid in system troubleshooting.
1. Introduction........................................ ...............................................................1
2. Product Description........................... ...............................................................1
3. Installation Procedures .....................................................................................2
4. System Diagram ...............................................................................................3
5. Wiring Instructions ............................................................................................4
6. Interlock System Operation ..............................................................................7
7. System Troubleshooting ...................................................................................7
8. Mechanical Drawing .........................................................................................8
9. Reference Information ......................................................................................8
Platform Lift Interlock System
RAM ProMaster with gasoline engines