Standards Supported:
European CENELEC and United
States NRSC.
RDS Applications Supported:
M/S, RAW. (A detailed explanation
of these applications begins on
Page 8.)
Operating Modes:
In loop-through operation, the RDS
subcarrier is internally mixed with
the MPX input and the combined
signal is delivered to the RDS or
MPX Output. The encoder has
unity gain in the loop-through mode
and accepts a maximum level of 6
volts peak-to-peak corresponding to
±75kHz carrier deviation.
In sidechain operation, only the
RDS subcarrier appears at the RDS
or MPX Output. The monitored
MPX (or TTL sync) is used solely to
synchronize the 57kHz RDS subcar-
rier with the 19kHz stereo pilot.
Pilot or MPX Input:
An unbalanced, bridging (BNC) in-
put that accepts either the compos-
ite/multiplex (MPX) signal or
19kHz TTL-level pilot sync from
the stereo generator. In the ab-
sence of a 19kHz signal, the 720 re-
verts to an internal crystal time-
RDS or MPX Output:
An unbalanced, 75-ohm (BNC) out-
put to feed a wideband input of the
FM exciter.
RDS Injection Level:
Subcarrier level is continuously ad-
justable from the front panel from
zero to 3V p-p. The LCD screen
gives both bargraph and voltage
Serial Data Port:
A rear-panel RS-232 port (DB9) ac-
cepts static encoder programming
and dynamic messaging from sta-
tion automation. The 720 accom-
modates all common data rates be-
tween 1200 and 115,200 baud. 720
software features an automatic port
and data rate ID utility to simplify
initial connection and setup.
USB Port:
A front-panel USB port gives quick
and easy access for encoder setup.
All static messaging may be quickly
set with a laptop PC.
TA Switching:
The temporary TA flag is set either
by a software command or with a
contact closure through a rear-panel
terminal strip. The 720 incorpo-
rates a programmable TA-timeout
utility to preclude TA flag viola-
Supplied Software:
Model 720 software runs on any
Windows® PC for either USB or se-
rial (COM) port operation. The
software is intuitive, self-guiding
and contains numerous pop-up and
other Help files.
Power Requirements:
105 130VAC (0.250A Fuse) or
210 255VAC (0.125A Fuse),
50/60Hz; 10W.
Size and Shipping Weight:
1¾ H x 19 W x 8 D (1U); 7 lbs.