application. The USB MSP430 requires the user to enter a password on the terminal
application. Then, the MSP430 informs the user whether the password is correct or not.
To execute this sample,
First install a terminal application on your computer. If you do not have any,
install teraterm-4.79.exe provided for Windows operating systems with the UEPM
Development Board’s CD.
Open the project UEPM-USB in code composer studio. Arrange the includes if
Load and run the program to the MSP430F5529 Microcontroller.
Connect a USB cable between a computer and the MSP43O target board.
On Windows, if required, manually point the driver installer to the file
MSP430_CDC.inf. Make sure the driver is installed properly.
Open a terminal application such as Tera Term. Open CDC COMM PORT of the
In the terminal, type any key. Then enter the password: "innovasub".
For further information on how to use the Texas Instruments USB API, please refer to
the document Programmers_Guide_MSP430_USB_API.pdf provided with the
Development Board’s CD.
5.3. SD Card Sample
The SD Card slot is connected to the MSP430 through its SPI port. The library for SD
implementation, a sample code and the datasheet are provided in the /SD/ folder of the
Please notice that this library only implements byte reading and writing. It DOES NOT
IMPLEMENT FAT FILE SYSTEM. Therefore, the data written on the SD card will not be
directly readable on any operating system.
To implement a FAT file system, you are strongly advised to use the open source library
FatFs available here:
5.4. UEPM Sample Code
The main function of the sample code is contained in
. Each peripheral of the
UEPM Development Board has its own source and header files. Namely:
adc: manages the Analog-to-Digital Conversion of the 12-bit ADC.
interrupt: gathers all the interrupts of the program. Digital Input interrupts, ADC
acquisition interrupts, Timer A interrupts and UART interrupts.
lcd: manages the LCD display.
led: manages the fours LEDs of the UEPM Development Board.