page 72
innovaphone IP DECT
configured on the innovaphone devices may be found in the chapter entitled
Note here that the URL parameter must point precisely to the location of the file
with the contained maintenance commands. It is also to be noted that this URL
(just like all other URLs used by innovaphone devices) does not support host
names. Therefore, a valid IP address always has to specified.
If the URL happens to end with a ‘/’, then a standard file name based on the
product description is used. If, for example, the URL is
, then it is extended in the case of an IP1200 as follows:
. The product name is specified in
the first line in chapter “Configuration/General/Info”. The file extension is
irrelevant here. The extension
or no file extension at all is
possible. In relation to URL specifications, note that some Web servers
differentiate between upper case and lower case letters.
Running maintenance
The update file is immediately read and also immediately executed. After a
device restart, the update server is automatically queried periodically in
accordance with the interval set.
When the maintenance file has been successfully received, it is executed
sequentially. Theoretically, all commands that can be transmitted to the device
in a Telnet session or that occur in a configuration file can be used in the
maintenance file.
Maintenance commands
Additional commands implemented specially for the update server are available.
The maintenance file is executed every time (depending on the interval set), as
soon as it is received.
Check command
In most cases, however, the maintenance file should be executed not every time
as soon as it is received, but once only. Assuming that a secure configuration is
to be loaded onto several devices, then it is best if this is done from one device.
This can be achieved with the
mod cmd UP1 check <final-command> <serial>