Operating condition
The protective device maybe trip and stop the appliance in the cases listed below.
Outdoor air temperature is over 24°C
Outdoor air temperature is below -10°C
Outdoor air temperature is over *43°C
Room temperature is over 27°C
Room temperature is below 18°c
Room temperature is below 21°c
*For Tropical (T3) Climate condition models, the temperature point is 55°Cinstead of 43°C.
The temperature of some products is allowed beyond the range. In specific situation, please consult the merchant.
If the air conditioner runs in COOLING or DRY mode withdoor or window opened for a long time when relative
humidity is above 80%,dew may drip down from the outlet.
Noise pollution
• Install the air conditioner at a place that can bear its weight in order to operate more quietly.
• Install the outdoor unit at a place where the air discharged and the operation noise would not annoy
your neighbors.
• Do not place any obstacles in front of the air outlet of the outdoor unit lest it increases the noise level.
Features of protector
1 The protective device will work at following cases.
Restarting the unit at once after operation stops or changing mode during operation, you need to wait for
3 minutes .
Connect to power supply and turn on the unit at once, it may start 20 seconds later.
2. If all operation has stopped, press ON/OFF button again to restart, Timer should be set again if it has
been canceled.
Features of HEATING mode
At the beginning of the HEATING operation, the airflow from the indoor unit is discharged 2-5 minutes later.
In HEATING operation the appliance will defrost (de-ice) automatically to raise efficiency.
This procedure usually lasts 2-10 minutes. During defrosting, fans stop operation.
After defrosting completes, it returns to HEATING mode automatically.
Note: Heating is NOT available for cooling only air conditioner models.