• in heating function decreases by 1 °C after one hour and
by another degree after 2 hours
• in cooling function decreases by 1 °C after one hour and
by another degree after 2 hours
Maximum ventilation speed
To select the operation at the maximum ventilation speed
press the
key for about 2 seconds
The symbol
on indicates the maximum speed function enable
Maximum power output is immediately obtained both in
heating and cooling.
After reaching the desired room temperature, select a dif-
ferent function to increase the thermal and acoustic com-
Set the key lock
To set-up the key locking
press both
keys for 2 seconds
The text
appearing on the display
All settings are inhibited by the user.
Repeat the sequence to unlock the control.
Brightness reduction
To reduce the display brightness
press the
key for 5 seconds
The text
appearing on the display
press the
key to decrease the value, wait 20 seconds
After 20 seconds from the last action the panel brightness
will be reduced to increase the comfort during night use.
On the display will appear only the room temperature.
To deactivate the display
press the key
for about 2 seconds
All the light signals go off
In stand-by mode the control ensure an antifreeze safety.
Room temperature probe offset adjustment
To adjust the room temperature probe offset
from display off, hold the key
for about 5 seconds
Access to the variation menu of the AIR probe offset displayed on the display
Use this adjustment carefully.
This adjustment must be carried out only after having
found actual deviations from the room temperature using
a reliable tool.
Adjust the measured value within a range of +/- 10 °C in
steps of 0,1 °C.
After 20 seconds from the last action the control goes out
and the settings is memorized.
Settings menu EDA/EDB649 - EWG/EWW649
Through the control it is possible to access the settings
The settings menu parameters can only be changed by
qualified personnel.