Using Voicemail on IsatPhone, LandPhone and FleetPhone
Page 5
Note the following:
The maximum length of a voicemail message is 60 seconds.
If you do not want messages to be played automatically when you access voicemail, you can
disable this feature and go straight to the main menu when you access voicemail. Refer to
“Changing the automatic message play setting” on page 5.
By default, the most recently received message is played first. If you want to reverse the order in
which messages are played, refer to “Changing the play order” on page 5.
By default, the header information (which includes the caller’s number, and the date and time
that the message was received), and the message itself are both played. If you want to play only
the header or only the message, refer to “Changing the message content” on page 6.
Important: The phone does NOT send you a notification when you have a new voicemail message.
You must access the voicemail system periodically to check if you have any new
The mailbox can store a maximum of 10 messages. If the mailbox is full, a caller will be
unable to leave a message.
Managing the messages
If required, you can change the default settings for your voicemail messages. The default settings
are as follows:
You are notified of how many new messages you have and how many saved messages each
time you access voicemail. In addition, new messages play automatically. If required, you can
disable this feature and go straight to the main menu when you access voicemail. Refer to
“Changing the automatic message play setting” on page 5.
The most recently received message plays first. If required, you can reverse the order in which
messages are played. Refer to “Changing the play order” on page 5.
The header information and the message both play. If required, you can play header only, or the
message only. Refer to “Changing the message content” on page 6.
Changing the automatic message play setting
You can choose whether or not you want to be notified of how many new and saved messages you
have each time you access voicemail. To change the current setting:
a. From the main menu, select
b. From the sub-menu, select
c. From the sub-menu, select
d. Select
to change the current setting. (So, for example, if this feature is enabled, selecting
disables it.)
Changing the play order
You can choose whether you want to play messages in the order they were received (oldest
message first), or in reverse order (newest message first). To change the current setting:
a. From the main menu, select
b. From the sub-menu, select