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Book 54722160 (8/02)
Adjust parking brakes after all brake shoes have
been adjusted by:
1. Turning knob on brake lever until lever is perpendic-
ular to bracket when in “OFF” position. Wheels should
turn freely.
2. With lever in “OFF” position, adjust brake cables un-
til each has approximately the same tension. Wheels
should turn freely.
3. Move lever to “ON” position. Check each wheel to
see that it will not rotate. If all wheels will rotate, adjust
knob on lever until brakes are fully applied. If one or
two wheels will still rotate, adjust the cables for those
wheels and recheck.
4. After brakes are adjusted, move lever to “ON” posi-
tion and apply grease to cable strands from conduit six
inches toward lever. This is to prevent dirt from getting
into the conduit.
New cables will stretch and therefore should
be readjusted after the first week of use.
Every six months, apply a multi--purpose grease to the
fittings on the brake actuator.
Electric Brake Adjustment:
Brakes should be adjusted (1) after the first 200 miles
of operation when the brake shoes and drums have
“seated”, (2) at 3000 mile intervals, (3) or as use and
performance requires. The brakes should be adjusted
in the following manner:
1. Jack up trailer and secure on adequate capacity
jack stands. Check that the wheel and drum rotate
2. Remove the adjusting hole cover from the adjust-
ing slot on the bottom of the brake backing plate.
3. With a screwdriver or standard adjusting tool, ro-
tate the starwheel of the adjuster assembly to expand
the brake shoes. Adjust the brake shoes out until the
pressure of the linings against the drum makes the
wheel very difficult to turn.
4. Then rotate the starwheel in the opposite direction
until the wheel turns freely with a slight lining drag.
5. Replace the adjusting hole cover and lower the
wheel to the ground.
6. Repeat above procedures on all brakes.