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Book 54722160 (8/02)
High pressure air can cause severe injury or death
from hot oil and flying parts. Always relieve pres-
sure before removing caps, plugs, covers or other
parts from pressurized air system.
* Open service valve at end of machine.
* Ensure pressure is relieved, with BOTH:
-- Discharge air pressure gauge reads zero (0).
-- No air discharging from service valve.
* When draining oil, remove and replace (make tight)
plug at bottom of separator tank.
* When adding oil, remove and replace (make tight)
plug on side of separator tank.
In the compressor lubricating and cooling system,
separation of the oil from the compressed air takes
place in the receiver--separator tank. As the com-
pressed air enters the tank, the change in velocity and
direction drop out most of the oil from the air.
Additional separation takes place in the oil separator
element which is located in the top of the tank.
Any oil accumulation in this separator element is
continuously drained off by means of a scavenge tube
which returns the accumulated oil to the system.
High pressure air can cause severe injury or death
from hot oil and flying parts. Always relieve pres-
sure before removing caps, plugs, covers or other
parts from pressurized air system.
The scavenge line originates at the receiver--separa-
tor tank cover and terminates at the compressor air-
end through an orifice (.063 inch/1.6 mm). Once a year
or every 2000 hours of operation, whichever comes
first, remove this line and any orifice, thoroughly clean,
then reassemble.
Excessive oil carry--over may be caused by an oil--
logged separator element. Do not replace element
without first performing the following mainte-
nance procedure:
Check oil level. Maintain as indicated earlier in
this section.
Thoroughly clean scavenge line, any orifice and
check valve.
Assure minimum pressure valve (if so equipped)
has proper setting.
Run unit at rated operating pressure for 30 to 40
minutes to permit element to clear itself.
The heat exchanger or cooling fan is driven by a multi-
ple V--belt arrangement from the engine. Inspect the
cooling fan belts weekly or at 50 hour intervals. These
V--belts should be maintained at the proper tension.
Fan belts that are too tight impose an undue load on
the fan shaft bearings and shorten the life of the belts.
Fan belts that are too loose allow slippage and lower
the fan speed, cause excessive belt wear, and can
lead to overheating of the cooling systems.
This compressor may be equipped with mechanical
parking brakes or electric brakes. The maintenance of
these brake systems is required to ensure safe opera-
tion of this compressor.
Parking Brakes:
Every six months check the brake shoes for proper op-
eration and deterioration. The common automotive
standards and procedures would apply in replacing
the brake shoes.
When replacing brake cables it is necessary to adjust
the brake shoes before adjusting the parking brake
system. To adjust the shoes, remove the rubber hole
plug in the brake backing plate and rotate the star ad-
justing nut until you cannot rotate the wheel by hand.
Then back off the adjustment ten to twelve (10--12)
notches. Note: always rotate wheel in direction of for-
ward travel only. Replace hole plug and proceed to
next wheel and repeat procedure.