– Getting Started
5.2.8 Option DABXP-OTR
– Triggered Recorder
Figure 26
– Triggered Recorder
The Triggered Recorder was developed especially for developers of DAB COFDM
modulators. During practical operation, it can happen that the ETI data stream becomes
corrupted during its transmission to the transmitter site. By chance, this can bring the
transmitter into an instable state. It is very difficult to reproduce such failures in the
laboratory. Therefor it is desirable to have the possibility to record the ETI stream that
provokes such erroneous transmitter behaviour.
The Triggered Recorder serves for the event-triggered recording of ETI data streams. Figure
26 shows the principle. The setup requires both, the DAB-XPlorer hardware for ETI recording
and a DABRF or UEB400DXP receiver for quality measuring. The DABRF or UEB400DXP
receives the RF signal from the DAB transmitter and measures the bit error rate.
Overstepping of a pre-defined reference value starts the recording of the ETI data stream by
the DAB-XPlorer hardware. The time-shift buffer provides the forerun required to catch the
ETI section that caused the RF failure.