Save to: Set the path to save the downloaded files. If resetting required, click
the button “Browse”.
AVI/H.264 drop-down list box: select the downloaded file attribute.
In the download list, file total size, status and process will display.
Click the button “Start”, and then the files in the list will be downloaded in order.
The process shows 100% after downloading is finished.
Click the button “Open” to enter download content.
4.8 Account Settings
The default super user is admin (password: admin). Super user can add, delete
common user, and change the password of common users. Super user cannot
change his own password. A maximum of 8 accounts are supported.
Detailed instruction about how to add and delete user are addressed below.
Click the Account option tab in the Settings interface, the following account
information will display. The “Num” item shows the current user number. In
“Property” column,
stands for super user;
stands for common user. In
“Operation” column,
means to delete; means to edit user information.
See figure below:
42 Account Settings
1. Add Users
Click “
”, enter the interface of “Add a User”.