Box Contents
Before using your Linea Pro 6, remove the unit and any included accessories from the shipping cartoon and verify the contents against the packing list.
Retain all packing materials, invoice, and bill of lading. These may be required to return the device for servicing later, or to process a claim with the
shipping carrier.
Carefully inspect the contents inside of the packaging for any signs of damage. If there are signs of damage, do not attempt to use the unit. Notify your
account executive or contact technical support at
Ensure the battery is fully charged prior to initial use.
These items are included with your unit:
Linea Pro 6 (1)
mini USB charge/sync cable (1)
Security Torx M1.6 x 4mm Screw (1)
Box contents and part numbers vary based on your order configuration.
Getting Started
The Linea Pro 6 allows you to scan barcodes and capture magnetic stripe data to pass into compatible iOS applications. Ensure the battery is fully charged
before first use.
The following helps you get the Linea Pro 6 ready for use:
What to do
Assemble the Linea Pro 6 with your iOS device
Assemble Your Linea Pro 6
Fully charge battery before first use
Charge Your Linea Pro 6
Software required to operate the unit with you iOS device
Develop Applications for Your Linea Pro
Power on the unit
Turn on Your Linea Pro 6
Use of the barcode scanning and RFID reader features requires the installation of software. Contact your Infinite Peripherals account representative for
available software.