Picture 6-3
6.2 Web Application Manager Login
After the ActiveX controls have been installed, users will be asked to input user name and password,
select Main Stream or Sub Stream (In general, select main stream for LAN and sub stream for WAN),
and input web port number and select language (See picture 6-4). There is an option for opening all
channel preview, select it to view live all channels. Press Login to log into DVR remotely. The default
password is blank and administrator is authorized to modify the password. Set password as per
introductions of user management in system setting.
Picture 6-4
After successfully logging in, users can perform real-time monitoring by viewing live video from all
channels and playing back recorded video (based on user profile), as shown in Picture 6-4.
6.3 Live Mode
Log in and enter into the live mode, as shown in Picture 6-5.