Username can consist of eight characters and password is composed of numbers 0-9 with max
length of eight numbers
The administrator is authorized to set common user’s permissions, as shown in Picture 5-50.
Picture 5-50
Log Search:
allows the users to check all the system logs.
allows the users to set all the parameters.
allows the users to update version, recover ex-factory value, reboot and shut down
Disk Management:
allows the users to manage and control the HDD and USB drives.
Remote Login:
allows the users to remotely login into DVR.
SEQ Control:
allows the users to sequence live screens for all the channels.
Manual Record:
allows the users to manually start/stop recording.
ENABLE “√” option to select channel for backup. The user will be allowed to backup only
the recordings of the selected channels.
ENABLE “√”option to select a channel to view the live video. The user will be allowed to view
the live video of the selected channels.
ENABLE “√” option of enable playback. The user will be allowed to view the live video of
the selected channels. User Edit
Users may enable or disable the function or set password (See Picture 5-51)