All referenced product or service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Edition 2020-07-16
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
81726 Munich, Germany
© 2020 Infineon Technologies AG.
All Rights Reserved.
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Document reference
The information contained in this application note is
given as a hint for the implementation of the product
only and shall in no event be regarded as a
description or warranty of a certain functionality,
condition or quality of the product. Before
implementation of the product, the recipient of this
application note must verify any function and other
technical information given herein in the real
application. Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims
any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind
(including without limitation warranties of non-
infringement of intellectual property rights of any
third party) with respect to any and all information
given in this application note.
The data contained in this document is exclusively
intended for technically trained staff. It is the
responsibility of customer’s technical departments
to EVALuate the suitability of the product for the
intended application and the completeness of the
product information given in this document with
respect to such application.
For further information on the product, technology,
delivery terms and conditions and prices please
contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office
Due to technical requirements products may contain
dangerous substances. For information on the types
in question please contact your nearest Infineon
Technologies office.
Except as otherwise explicitly approved by Infineon
Technologies in a written document signed by
Technologies, Infineon Technologies’ products may
not be used in any applications where a failure of the
product or any consequences of the use thereof can
reasonably be expected to result in personal injury.