User Manual
Revision 2.1
EVAL-M1-05-65D User Manual
Modular Application Design Kit
Schematics and Layout
Schematics and Layout
To meet individual customer requirements and make the EVAL-M1-05-65D evaluation board a basis for
development or modification, all necessary technical data like schematics, layout and components are
included in this chapter.
DC-Link Voltage Measurement
Pin 14 of connector J3 provides access to the DC-link voltage. Three possible feedback cases are associated
with this pin. Figure 11 provides the DC bus sense resistor details.
By default, R14 is not mounted on Eval-M1-05-65D. There must be a pull-down resistor mounted on the
corresponding control card.
Figure 11
DC bus sense resistor on EVAL-M1-05-65D evaluation board
If a pull down resistor of 4.87 k
referred to ground is inserted either on the Eval-M1-05-65D evaluation board
or on the control board, the DCBSENSE voltage results in the range of 0 to 3.3 V on the pin reflecting a DC bus
voltage range of 0 to 400 V.
If a pull down resistor of 4.87 k
is inserted on both, Eval-M1-05-65D evaluation board and on the control card,
the DCBSENSE results scale to 0-1.65 V. No safety issue occurs.
If no feedback is desired on the DCBSENSE-pin, R13A or R13B should be removed to avoid high voltage on the