C-Com Satellite Systems Inc
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iNetVu™ 5000 Controller User Manual
Revision 1.0.2
System Status
Displays current system environment
System Running
Software is currently booting.
System Idle
No operations are currently being performed.
System Online
iNetVu™ system has found and locked onto the satellite, and is now ready for surfing the Internet.
ACP Testing
ACP Testing is being performed.
Skew Adjusting
Polarization adjustment for receiving the optimal Signal Strength. Polarization will rotate in both
directions to locate the 3dB drop in Signal Strength, and then re-center itself using the best
possible Polarization Angle.
Manual Operation
Manually controlled movement via Advanced Controls menu has been detected.
Mount Testing
System test or demo being performed via System Test and Demo menu.
Peaking on Satellite
System makes minor adjustments in positioning in order to receive optimal Signal Strength.
AZ Calibration
Azimuth Calibration is being performed.
PL Calibration
Polarization Calibration is being performed.
EL Calibration
Elevation Calibration is being performed.
CP Calibration
Compass Calibration is being performed.
Going to Position
An automatic movement command has been initiated (i.e. Find Satellite or
Deploy Antenna) and the antenna is moving into the designated position.
Searching Satellite
Antenna is performing a search pattern to locate the satellite.
Stowing Antenna
Antenna is being stowed.
Antenna Stowed
Antenna is currently stowed.
Unknown Status