- Clean spring steel wiper in the area of the work area door
For ensure trouble-free operation of the work are door (applies also to automatic
work area door/option) , the spring steel wipers in the work area, described
below, must be cleaned. Accumulation of chips (chip nests), depending on the
machined material, may cause a compression of chips at this point. This can lead to
malfunction and damage to the work area door.
Fig.: G200.2_spring steel wiper
After opening the work area door and turning off the hydraulic system, loosen
and remove the screws of the marked cover panels (X).
Fig.: Tool for removing chips
After removing the cover panels, remove the spring steel wipers and clean the
space behind this cover /these wipers. Avoid pushing the chips into the spaces
Maintenance Summary - 4.000 Operating hours
Maintenance Instructions
DIE219EN - 05.06.2019