If the fan works then it is NOT a problem with the fan, DO NOT
Check the low limit switch; wiggle it on start up to see if the fan
kicks in.
If that does not work then once the stove is warm bypass the low
limit switch (see attached Figure 1). Only do this after the stove
is warm, if you attempt to bypass the low limit switch before
starting your stove you will fault out the board, the low limit
switch can not be bypassed before you start the stove.
If the fan comes on with the switch bypassed then replace the low
limit switch.
If the fan does not come on then replace the board and leave the
low limit switch.
Stove shuts down & flashes level 2:
If the Vacuum switch fails it will go into full shut down and flash
on level 2 on the board.
Disconnect power to the stove.
Bypass the vacuum switch and fire up the stove.
If the stove fires up and runs for more than 1 minute (1 minute
until vacuum failure & 10 minute shut down cycle) then replace
the vacuum switch.
Stove shuts down & flashes level 3:
This indicates that the stove was starved for fuel.
Check that the auger is functioning properly and that there is fuel
in the pot and hopper.
Make sure there are no jams.
If the fuel is being feed properly then restart the stove by holding
down the start button for 5 seconds. It should fire up the second
If the problem persists then change the board for one with the new
extended start up cycles.
Blowing fuses:
Check to make sure nothing is shorting out.
Check the ignitor rod and make sure there is not a bare spot on the
wire; this could cause the stove to short out.
Ignitor rod not coming on:
Disconnect power to the stove.
Hook up the ignitor rod directly.
If it does not heat up on direct power then replace the ignitor rod.
If it does then replace the board.
Convection fan cycles from high to low:
Get stove hot and bypass low limit switch.
If the fan stops cycling it is a bad thermostat, replace the low limit