Condition 5: Igniter will not light fuel.
Check electrical connections (including fuse) to the igniter.
Check the igniter tube, which touches the burn pot, is not plugged with ash. If it
is plugged remove the debris (be sure to wait until everything has cooled to room
Check burn pot is installed correctly (see page 30).
If igniter still does not work, replace it.
Note: The igniter should be glowing orange when in operation.
Condition 6: The auger motor does not function normally.
If the auger shaft does not turn but the motors armature tries to spin then this is a
sign your auger is jammed. Try to remove the blockage by poking at the fuel in
the drop tube. If this does not work then empty the hopper and remove the auger
cover and clear the blockage (Note: Before removing the auger cover
disconnect power to the unit).
Check for voltage at the auger motor, if none check circuit board fuse.
Ensure the exhaust blower is operating.
Check the vacuum hose is connected or damaged.
Bypass the vacuum switch by placing a jumper wire on the two electrical
connections. If the auger motor starts to function normally replace the vacuum
Check the manual reset on the 250 F high limit switch. If the switch has been
tripped, check for the cause of the overheating, reset the switch and check if the
auger operates normally.
Bypass the 250 F high switch by placing a jumper wire on the two electrical
connections. If the auger motor starts to function normally replace the high limit
If the auger is not jammed and you have tried the other possible causes, connect
120 volts directly to the auger motor. If the auger motor does not work replace
the auger motor.
Condition 7: The 250 F high limit switch has tripped.
Reset the switch and determine the cause. It is normally a faulty convection fan.
If the convection fan does not operate apply 120volts directly to the convection
fan, if it still does not operate replace the convection fan.