Control Board Functions
T-STAT/Manual Control: The mode button selects the pellet stove operation to either
T-Stat or Manual. Set to Manual to be able to manually select the heat settings and
If you have a remote thermostat attached and wish to have the pellet stove controlled by
the thermostat, set to T-STAT to operate the pellet stove in variable heat mode. The
thermostat will control the heat output of the pellet stove alternating between the lowest
heat level and the highest heat level pre-selected by the user.
When you first plug in the Tasman 40/40I board the only light that will be on will be the
manual mode light. If you push the start button in that mode this will start the pellet stove
in the manual mode only. You cannot move from the manual mode to the thermostat
mode once you have switched the stove on.
What you need to do is plug the stove in, before turning on the control push in the mode
button on the control board. With the thermostat light on if you set the wall thermostat to
require heat this will automatically start the pellet stove once the room temperature drops
below heat required. You do not need to start the pellet stove from the control board it
will automatically start through the wall thermostat.
This is the way it will work. Plug Pellet stove in and press mode button select T-STAT.
The wall thermostat will be set to your preferred heat setting, once the room temp drops
below that level the pellet stove will automatically start up. Once the stove starts up it
will run for 3 or 4 minutes and the red light will come on and show the feed rate on level
1. At this point you can push the heat level button and set to desired feed rate setting (2-
5). This only needs to be done once and then the stove will automatically cycle using the
wall thermostat. If the wall thermostat doesn t call for heat within 30 minutes the stove
will go to full shut down mode and will shut itself off. You do not need to touch the
control board at this point, as soon as the room temperature drops to call for heat the
pellet stove will automatically start up again. If you want to stop this function then the
wall thermostat should be turned off. To restart turn the wall thermostat back up to
desired temperature.
If you unplug the stove or turn it off on the pellet stove control board you will need to
restart as above for wall thermostat use.
After switching between modes the stove should be turned Off and back On to reset
the control to operate in that mode.
On/Off Button: This button is used to turn the unit on and off. If the stove is cold prior
to start-up press and release the On/Off button. The green light above the On/Off switch
will flash to indicate start up cycle has started. Fuel pellets will start to feed into the burn
pot. The electric ignition system will be automatically activated, flames in the burn pot
will normally appear between 3 - 8 minutes. Once the flame has been established, the
start up cycle will end, this takes between 10 -17 minutes. At this point the user will be
able to make heat level adjustments.
If the stove is warm at restart the On/Off button must be pressed down and held for 2
seconds, or more, until the minimum heat level setting light is lit.
Heat Level: When pressed this increases the heat level setting one level. Pressing the
button will cycle the heat setting from minimum to maximum and back again. The