ImpulseRadar PinPointR User Manual V1.5
Page 27 (36)
Figure 30
Dual-View project showing two parallel profiles with a back-up cursor
As the name suggests, this project type requires GPS for positioning. For accurate mapping, to survey
or map grade, RTK-GPS is required. That said, it is possible to run a GPS-project using the PinPointR
internal GPS, but this will lack the precision necessary for accurate interpretation. GPS projects using
the internal GPS can be used for a field sketch with the Google Mapping capability and accuracy will
vary depending upon the location and time of day of the survey.
When using GPS, everything is arranged according to the accuracy of the GPS, so no special survey
procedures are required. Start and stop profiles as needed or take a single long profile while zig-zagging
across the survey area. However, the former makes for much easier data interpretation when using
post-processing software like ImpulseRadar CrossPoint, since several profiles can be viewed
simultaneously. Regardless, CrossPoint will correctly load maps and data.
Viewing files
ViewPoint is not intended for data analysis; however, saved files may be viewed to assist in making
decisions on-site, including QA/QC of collected data. There is no special view for project-based data,
but individual profiles are accessible. When viewing saved files, you may zoom and adjust gain/contrast
just as you would during data collection. However, an additional function is provided to scroll along
with profiles, which is controlled using one finger-swipe horizontally.
Within a project that includes several profiles, you can use the left and right buttons in the header
toolbar to scroll in-between the profiles. Alternatively, if profiles have been collected with GPS, simply
tap on the desired profile within the Map View. The marker editor allows previously saved markers to
be deleted, or new ones added post data acquisition. To ensure any changes are saved within a
previously collected profile, ensure the PDF/ KMZ options are activated when exiting the project.
Note on survey speed and settings
The PinPointR system can produce very large amounts of data. The bottleneck in survey speed is mostly
related to the Wi-Fi Ethernet-link.